Fairness in Visual Employment Contracts – graduation project Andrea Montella

Exploring the impact of visual contracts – Final

30 August 2019. After half a year of hard work, I finally reach the day of graduation. The end of this thesis project culminates the two years journey of my master program at TU Delft. When I first arrived in Delft I could not even imagine how intense this journey was going to be, with ups and downs as I had never experienced before. Pursuing a master program and doing it away from home, in a new country, has not been an easy task. However, when looking back I do not regret any of the decisions taken in the way since they have helped me to grow personally and professionally. This growth, would not have been possible without the people that have been with me during this journey, and I am grateful for that.

Below you can find the final results of my Master thesis. I hope you enjoy, get inspired and reach out to me (andrea@visualcontracts.eu) or Lieke (lieke@visualcontracts.eu) if you have any questions. Enjoy!

Visual Employment Contract_Video from Lieke Beelen on Vimeo.

Do you want to know more about the design process of this visual employment contract?
Watch back the Master thesis defense 30 Augustus, 3:45PM, Delft

Exploring the fairness in visual employment contracts from Lieke Beelen on Vimeo.

Open the presentation slides and start the video above for Andrea’s presentation.

Click through the prototypes yourself!

Prototype 1

Prototype 2

Prototype 3



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